Sunday, March 4, 2012

Any One, But Him( Jemi Movie Part 36)

Any One, But Him( Jemi Movie Part 36) Tube. Duration : 0.58 Mins.

Part 36 That evening when by kind of slowly. The undercover officer came with the things. Joe, when to his room with them. Demi & Izzy watched some tv for a bit then they both when to bed. Demi tucked in Izzy, then she sang her a song. She, feel asleep before Demi finished the song. The next morning Demi got woken up, by the sound of Izzy screaming. Demi jumped out of bed, it was just a little after 8 am. She when into her room & turned the lights on. Izzy was trashing around in her bed, scream. "PWEASE, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. JOEY MAMA, HELP ME, HELP." "Izzy baby doll wake up." Demi said as she shook her lightly. Izzy eyes open, as soon as she heard Demi voice. Tears spilled from her eyes. "I glad you here Mama. I just had a bad dream. The bad had me. I was scared, I wanted you & Joey." "Oh, baby doll. I am here, it got you."Demi said, Izzy gave her a hug. "There, there, it is okay. Hey baby doll you want some breakfast. I am a little hungry. Then we can watch some cartoons. Sound like fun." Izzy nodded her head, as Demi pick her up. She winched cause she jerked her arm. They when down stairs. Then they when into the Kitchen. Demi saw her new cell & the panic button sitting on the counter. She picked up the cell & looked at it to see that she had a new text message. She opened it. Hey Dems, just wanted to say good morning. :) Joe Demi, smile at the message. Then she continued to make breakfast for her & Izzy. Demi made eggs & toast. Then they ate, Demi cleaned up the ...

Tags: Demi, Lovato, Joe, Jonas, Jemi, Movie

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